April 2, 2012

Ten Things To Make Matter

This post originally appeared over at A Parenting Life 
Bringing it across with a bit of an edit makes it feel like a fitting first post to kick of this wonderful new venture.

Whatever it is I am doing I want to make sure it matters. I want to be more accountable for my time and the way I spend it. I want to be a positive influence and example for my children. I want my life to matter as much as it possibly can.

Now I have realised that it is not necessary for me to change the world at large to make my life matter. All I need to do is make sure that I am being the best me I can be. I know that I have mentioned this before but it is something that I constantly need to remember. I sometimes forget to remember you see.

With time I hope to create an inspiring place where change is not so scary or feared.  Instead it is encouraged and embraced. I know that the final destination is worth the journey, regardless of what the road was like.  As long as you make it in the end that is all that matters.

I don't like to put too much pressure on myself.  While I know some may say that there are worse things than failure and at least you had a go, at this still early stage of the game it is important I have as many successes as possible.  At the same time though I have realised that there are so many things that need to make the time to make matter that I can't just do one at a time.

Thankfully there are a few that can all sort of tie together though so it doesn't seem so overwhelming yet I am getting more than one thing done at a time.

So without further adieu here are ten things I need to make the time to make matter

  1. Write regularly.  And by that I mean every day.  Like anything it improves with practise.  If I am going to be serious about being a famous writer I really need to put pen to paper, of fingertips to keys or something other than the current levels of procrastination and self doubt.
  2. Being present for the children.  Making sure I disconnect from the electric world and spend time living.
  3. Ensuring that I am well rested and suitable fueled to tackle anything the treasures might spontaneously throw at me.
  4. Providing interesting and nutritious food on a regular basis.  It is important to be aware of what works best for our bodies and provide it that, as much as possible.  Plus since eating is a part of life it only makes sense to get the most out of it.
  5. Leading an active life.  Getting out and about in the great outdoors and making the most of the land that surrounds us.
  6. Remaining true to what I believe in.
  7. Letting others know they are cared for and loved.
  8. Being on time.  Being late is rude.  Plain and simple.  Sounds harsh I know but as someone trying to curb a terrible (and I mean give her a half hour head start kind of terrible) habit of always being excessively late I need to be harsh.  I have little to no concept of time.  Never have.  But I want to.  I don't want my girls to grow up thinking it is alright to keep people waiting for you.  All. The. TIME.
  9. The housework.  I can't believe I got this far without mentioning the housework.  Maintaining a clean and tidy house matters more than anything.  It is the cornerstone of happiness for the modern family.
  10. The washing.  Similar but not quite the same as the housework.  It is such a mammoth part of life it gets a point all of it's own.  (That and it's late and I am really struggling to think of anything else right now)
So there you have it.  Ten things that I will make matter not just this week, but each and every week.  What about you?

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