May 1, 2013

My Life - 250 words or less #BlogEveryDayInMay

I don't really know why I stopped making things matter. Or at least stopped writing here about making things matter.

I guess it doesn't really matter either way.

Today as I surfed around the net, unable to do anything because my back is sore (made worse by sitting but I got sick of laying down) I noticed a few bloggers with posts showing a button like the one below.
After a bit of investigation I found myself here. Which is actually where the button will take you just in a new page

I can't really explain why but for some reason I wasn't comfortable with doing it on A Parenting Life. Well I didn't want to put this post there at least. I think it has something to do with the fact I already have a few posts mentally lined up there and I couldn't see how I could fit anything else in. 
While I may not have blogged every day there, I have been a lot more regular of late than what I once was. This lovely space however has been blank for far too long. It feels nice actually to be opening it all back up here.
Not that I ever actually closed it but you know what I mean.
So the #BlogEveryDayInMay challenge today is
The story of your life in 250 words or less (or one paragraph... no one will be counting your words... probably)

So with that in mind.

Born to a loving couple and forever told the beauty of being a love child. Is now married to the man of her dreams with three beautiful children to boot.

The memory of school is met with mixed emotions. The joy of learning could never be denied but the experience as a whole is not joyous as such. Graduated high school to then have two incomplete degrees. Which apparently do not make a whole.

Proud Territory representative of the debate team at the national championship and once avid public speaker. However whether such skills are still current remains to be seen

Somewhere in amongst it all there have been numerous piercings and a shaved head. There has never been ink and it is expected to remain that way as well.

While currently gainfully unemployed, there have been instances where hard work was the norm. And quite often enjoyed. Retail, waitressing, motel management and marketing a few of the roles enjoyed. Quietly hoping that one day the acclaimed writing thing comes true.

At times quite the resistor to change. When it is clear that change is unavoidable it is preferred to be carried out a slower than a snails pace. However a twelve month road trip is currently being planned. Lots of change will have to occur for it to happen.

Sender of fairy wishes and butterfly kisses when ever the occasion may deem it necessary. Optimism and hope seem to always shine through, at least in someway.

And that's a wrap. My life in 250 words or less. 

In case you were wondering, and to save you counting, if you really needed to know, it was 247.


  1. Hi...making a blog tour of challengers. Great first post. Will be checking in as the month goes. Check out my post if you get a chance

    1. Hi Shanique, thanks for stopping by, will head on over and have a read.

  2. I had to giggle... I didn't even count mine :)

    1. lol, yours was such a good one though Vicky you couldn't change anything about it word count or otherwise

  3. 12 month road trip Rhi??? Serial!!!!!!!

    1. Yep Gemma and can't wait, will be such an adventure

  4. ha ha ha congrats on finishing it within 250 words.

    1. Thanks Nina, it made it like a challenge within a challenge!

  5. Hi there! I found you via Jenni's Link up. You're a great writer. I'm glad you decided to join!

    1. Hi Leanne, thanks for stopping by and leaving such kind words.

  6. Hi Rhianna! What a lovely first post in this series. I found your lovely post after your lovely little comment on my own blog. Hope you enjoy the challenge :)
