May 28, 2012

Make it Matter Monday

Well here we are again.  Monday morning and all hell is breaking loose.  Though when I say all hell is breaking loose I actually mean that my house is beyond a shambles and there are a thousand and one things, probably more, still waiting to be done.

Not that I am overly concerned by any of it.  Which is why am here, instead of madly rushing around trying to do ten things at once in a bid to have some hope of actually getting it done.  Despite all that needs doing I feel relatively relaxed.  I am sure there is some tightness when I think of what the weeks ahead will entail but on the whole life is great and I love the concept of constantly ensuring I am always moving forwards.

The past few MIMM posts have contained things I have hoped to make matter the previous week(s).  Ideally there would also be all the things I did manage to make matter.  For the most part they would really just be about all the reasons why I did not do all the things I set out to.

So with that in mind I have decided to change things around a little this week.  After all beating myself black and blue about that which can not be changed is rather pointless and not really in line with the whole moving forward concept.

Last week the thing that mattered most was the planned camping trip.  It was only for one night but since it was the first for the year it was all worth it.  Well, I did go a little overboard.  After all it was only for one night but the kids needed new sleeping bags and mats.  The stinky old swags that Mr Awesome and his brother had as kids were just no longer going to cut it for the bigger girls.

Without a word of a lie I spent the entire week filled with pure excitement at the anticipation of this camping trip.  The thought of getting away from it all was just so exciting.  All the fresh air and beautiful weather of late had me hankering to be in the bush.  It is the perfect time of year to be outdoors and at one with nature.
While the front of the tent faced the beach this is what was behind us
Once our sporting commitments were over we disconnected from the world and headed down the track.  All that mattered then was relaxing and being together.

Open fire baked potatoes for dinner and tired legs from all the running on the sand meant for easy and early bedtime.  Leaving adults for plenty of time to be mesmerised by the flickering flames of the fire.  Snuggling in close to get as much warmth as possible.
Pure bliss
I may have come home to more washing than I care to think of but it was worth it and I will do it again in a heart beat.  So with that in mind I will leave it here for now.  The beeping from the washing machine tells me that what matters now is hanging out some washing and putting more on.


  1. Lovely post Rhi!....your words and that photo of the fire has me planning a camping trip!
