May 15, 2014

Thankful Thursday - The Extras

Thankful Thursday with A Parenting Life
It feels like forever since I have written here but there is just so much I have to be thankful for this week including it all in one post just didn't seem right.

So here I am again today sharing some of the things I am thankful for. Though since it is late and I have a gorgeous husband to go and snuggle up next too I am opting for a bullet point type of post.

I am thankful for

  • bloggers who link back when they link up
  • being a guest poster over at Everyone Else is Normal
  • being able to host the lovely Siobhan over at APL
  • being able to guest post over at Everyone Else is Normal
  • being spoilt on Mother's Day
  • making it to the end of the 8km for the Mother's Day Classic
  • kind words and appreciation at work
  • my beautiful girls
  • my mum
  • getting a good night's sleep
  • being able to run


  1. Well done on the 8km! Awesomeness :)
    Isn't it great to feel appreciated and hear kind words for your hard work? xx

  2. Wonderful that you needed two posts to get all your gratitude out!

  3. 8klms you rock!! I get tired driving it!!
    Love the extras!!
