September 2, 2014

Walk - #ShakeCreative Day Two

I go out walking after midnight...

Every time I started thinking about how I would tackle today's prompt Patsy's words began wandering around my head. Which was actually kind of annoying because I couldn't get past that one line. Well I could but not with actual words just a bit of a humming moan that may or may not have actually resembled the tune.

After a while I could manage to somehow jump to as I walk through the shadows of the valley of death... Which really has no connection in any shape or form except for the fact they both mention the word walk.

When I first saw Zoey share her idea about the #ShakeCreative challenge I didn't pay it too much attention. Being that I am off enjoying #ouradventureofalifetime and all I doubted I would really be able to partake in it. I tried to pay it no more attention, however it kept creeping back into the crevices of my mind.

So here I am trying to be creative with the prompt of walk.

I go out walking, after midnight...

Seriously every time I think walk that song just jumps into my mind.

September 1, 2014

Made - Shake Creative Challenge Day One

The other day while wasting time on Facebook I happened to come across a post that got my brain ticking over in a way I kinda liked. It was a challenge to see how creative you could be throughout the month of September. 

I like to think that I am a bit creative. At least some times in some little way.

I would like to be more creative and most certainly feel like I need a bit of a challenge so I thought I would give it a go and join on in.

The first prompt is Made.

I did think that I could just take a photo of something I had made. You know like a child (of mine, not just any old random kid) but that didn't seem very creative. I then thought I could share photo of a blanket I made.

Only technically it is not yet made as I am still in the process of making it.

So instead I give to you a random collection of sentences involving the word made.


Made a song, not too long, one I hope you’ll sing along
Made it short and kinda sweet, in the hope it’s tune you’ll keep 

Made it right
Made it wrong

Made it hot 
Made it cold 

Made it somewhere in between

Made for you and not for me 
Made for me and not for you

Made sure that somehow it will do

Made by hand and not machine
Made with love not mass produced

Made no sense, but there you go

Made it work

Made it good
Made it bad

Made me cry
Made me laugh
Made me hurt 
Made me bleed

Made it all just make-believe.

Made a cake
Made a mess

Made it through the day
Made it to the night

Made it all turn out alright

May 15, 2014

Thankful Thursday - The Extras

Thankful Thursday with A Parenting Life
It feels like forever since I have written here but there is just so much I have to be thankful for this week including it all in one post just didn't seem right.

So here I am again today sharing some of the things I am thankful for. Though since it is late and I have a gorgeous husband to go and snuggle up next too I am opting for a bullet point type of post.

I am thankful for

  • bloggers who link back when they link up
  • being a guest poster over at Everyone Else is Normal
  • being able to host the lovely Siobhan over at APL
  • being able to guest post over at Everyone Else is Normal
  • being spoilt on Mother's Day
  • making it to the end of the 8km for the Mother's Day Classic
  • kind words and appreciation at work
  • my beautiful girls
  • my mum
  • getting a good night's sleep
  • being able to run

March 12, 2014

This week I am thankful for ...

... the refinancing of our home loan coming through

... refreshing lemon sorbet as I write

... an air conditioned bedroom and a doona to snuggle under

... a night out with the love of my life, that didn't cost us an arm and a leg

... running

... knowing it doesn't actually matter how fast I run, just as long as I get out there and run

... beautiful kind words from friends when I need them most, especially when they come as a surprise in the mail with chocolate attached

... a listening ear when I wanted to moan and feel sorry for myself

... peace and quiet at the end of the night

... having the money to buy the medicine I need

... not having to go to the dentist this week, or next

... a husband that knows how to cook a mean roast beef

Thankful Thursday with APL

February 26, 2014

Gleefully giving into Glee

Nearly the entire day yesterday was spent in front of the computer. Which was kind of a bit nice. I can't remember the last time I spent so long hanging around in the blogosphere. While I eventually managed to get a post out over at A Parenting Life, I possibly didn't get done nearly as many things as I should have.

But some days you just can't win them all. In fact most days, you can't win them all but as long as you win at something little else matters. And in my defence it turns out I have a rather valid reason for my lack of achievement. I was subjected to a glee marathon.

Lovely has been attacked by a dreaded lurgey. Caused mainly by a refusal to get enough sleep she has a sore throat and was unable to make it to school yesterday and today. Instead she has occupied the couch and begun to work her way through the wonders of glee.

Just between you and me, Glee is not something I have ever paid much attention to. I am not much of a TV girl at the best of times and something that everyone raves about is never going to get my attention. I am rebel like that you see.

However, after I don't know how many episodes of the singing and dancing that makes up Glee I am more than a little amazed at just how much I have actually started to enjoy it.

image found here
Yep you heard me right, after nearly a full day of Glee I have just about become a convert. Sure some of the songs go on for just a little too long but as I mentioned earlier, you can't win them all.

I love how it sends out a clearer than clear message that it is ok to be you. In fact it is not just ok to be you but it is imperative to be you.

It also makes it pretty clear that it is best if you just accept people for being themselves without expecting them to change or be who you want them to.

As much as each character is filled with flaws and continually makes mistake after mistake, there is also the hope that in the end all will be ok. An ok and hope that transpires past that of just being a television show as well.

January 31, 2014

Things I Know I Am Thankful For

Thankful Thursday with APL
I know that I have already stopped for one lot of thanks over at APL this week but you know what? I also know you can never be too thankful.

So here I am with a two for one whammy and sharing some of the things I know I am thankful for this week.

I know I am thankful to live under such a beautiful sky

This week I am thankful for

  • A child who went to sleep last night without a major drama and at a fairly reasonable hour. This same child has been refusing to sleep for what feels like forever so last night was more than a welcome change.
  • A child who slipped straight into her new class without fuss or fan fare. As much as I felt a little lost and redundant my heart was swelling with pride at her comfort and adaptability fit into her new class.
  • A child that has been happy to entertain herself while her sisters are at school.
  • A child who knows when I need a cuddle most and gives me one.
  • A child that tells me she thinks I am the best mum ever. Even if I do yell sometimes.
  • The forgiveness from children whom were subjected to my yelling (even if they did deserve a slight growl for wasting precious paint supplies on more than one occasion recently).
  • Knowing when to walk away and knowing when to run.
  • Actually being able to run. Albeit slow and not as long as I would like but these are but minor details. The other day I did two laps of the block in nearly the same time as it once took me to one so I am by no means really complaining about my speed, I just know I can go further.
  • A blog that gives me the chance to try things I wouldn't otherwise.
  • Wonderful bloggers and readers that offer me kind words and support.
  • Days of endless rain. The perfect excuse to stay at home snuggled in bed, all day long. Though at no point have I actually spent the day snuggled in bed I just love that the excuse is there if I wanted it.
  • A dryer so that despite days of endless rains we are still able to have clean dry clothes.
  • A covered veranda so that the dogs have somewhere dry to lay that is not inside my house.
  • Wonderful friends, both old and new.

Have you got some thanks that you want to share? 
Join in over at A Parenting Life

Or perhaps some stuff you know?
Join in with The Miss Cinders

January 19, 2014

Making Up For Yesterday

Over at A Parenting Life I set myself, a bit of a write every day challenge. Nineteen days in and it has not exactly gone all that well. There has been back dating, missed posts and only a few days where I did actually manage to sit down and write.

One of the reasons I didn't write yesterday
was because I was making this little fella.
Sure I might have written lots when I did write but that isn't quite the point. I want to write every day. I need to write every day. It just has to happen.

Yesterday was another missed day.

Just as today is a brand new day.

Having gone to bed super early last night I was awake super early this morning. Zany climbing into my bed didn't help either. Rather than toss and turn in a space inhabited by more than it could comfortably fit I decided to get up and use the time wisely. I reasoned that if I could get a post up before the sun came up then it wouldn't be so bad to backdate it to yesterday.

As it turned out the post got written but published with today's date. All so it could link up with some other blog in the hope to pull a few more new readers. Because I am greedy like that some days.

That and I am slowly realising that every now and then my words do make a difference to someone's day. Often when least expected. To both them and I.

So really I am obliged to try and share my wisdomous words as far and wide as possible aren't I?

Leaving me wondering what to do about a post for yesterday.

On the one hand I know that it doesn't really matter whether there is a post there or not. And if there is a post there that has been backdated then does that matter either? Really all that matters is that I am writing isn't it?

Though I am acutely aware that I run the risk of writing too much boring stuff and overloading with too many of my crazy inner thoughts. Oh the dilemmas.

You see the real benefit about me making myself write each and every day is that it means I will have instilled just a teeny tiny bit of discipline into my daily life. On the days where I am brutally honest with myself I know that a lack of inner discipline is my biggest enemy.

Nothing that some simple brain rewiring won't fix. I like to think of myself as work in progress. As awesome as I might be there is so much more awesome I could be. I just need to keep slowly chipping away at it all.

Rather than waste time beating myself up about all the things I didn't do I can see the things I did do. Like make that little owl up there and a couple of little fish.
For now though all currently feels well with my little world. I may not have blogged at APL yesterday but I have more than made up for it today.

January 5, 2014

It won't happen over night.

What lies around the corner

Mr Awesome is on the couch practising his French. For no other reason than he found a free app that claims to teach you basics for a whole range of foreign languages. The Little Two are watching some My Little Pony DVD that we got earlier. There is sense of calm and peace through out The Shoebox.

Me, I am here.

Forcing myself to try and write something.

The start of a new year is always my favourite time to try and start new things. Especially new things that involve some sort of lifestyle change for the better. You know new things like every day exercise, clean eating, positive living and all that kind of thing.

Which is the complete opposite to Mr A, who point blank refuses to start anything on January 1st because it is sure to be doomed for failure. There are just too many failed new year resolution stories to convince me of otherwise. The fact that I don't have new years resolution success stories to put up in defence doesn't really help either.

And in so many ways he is right.

It doesn't have to be the first of January to make a life affirming change. You can resolve to make changes at any point in time. Just like actually making that change take place. It doesn't have to be only on January 1. It can be whenever you want it to be.

In fact unless you really want to make the change and are committed to making a change, the change you desire will just never come about.

For me, the appeal of resolutions starting at the new year is because it just makes it easier to keep track of. Part of my required inspiration to remain committed to something (anything) is being able to see the length of time that I am able to remain committed. Naturally the first day of a new year is easier to remember than something like the 18th February. Unless of course that is your birthday or some other significant event.

So far this year the only thing that I can say I have done each and every day is sit down and write. But that is ok, because at least it is something. And even if it is something I am forcing myself to do this very moment that is ok as well.

Sometimes we need to force ourselves. In fact I am certain that in order to get the very best and most out of life then we must force ourselves at least at some point, and if not regularly.

The other benefit to have forced myself now, is that now it is done and dusted and out the way. If I feel like writing again later then so be it, but my daily commitment for today is at least out the way.

As for all the other daily things I haven't yet managed to introduce?

Well I am positive that their day will come.