January 31, 2014

Things I Know I Am Thankful For

Thankful Thursday with APL
I know that I have already stopped for one lot of thanks over at APL this week but you know what? I also know you can never be too thankful.

So here I am with a two for one whammy and sharing some of the things I know I am thankful for this week.

I know I am thankful to live under such a beautiful sky

This week I am thankful for

  • A child who went to sleep last night without a major drama and at a fairly reasonable hour. This same child has been refusing to sleep for what feels like forever so last night was more than a welcome change.
  • A child who slipped straight into her new class without fuss or fan fare. As much as I felt a little lost and redundant my heart was swelling with pride at her comfort and adaptability fit into her new class.
  • A child that has been happy to entertain herself while her sisters are at school.
  • A child who knows when I need a cuddle most and gives me one.
  • A child that tells me she thinks I am the best mum ever. Even if I do yell sometimes.
  • The forgiveness from children whom were subjected to my yelling (even if they did deserve a slight growl for wasting precious paint supplies on more than one occasion recently).
  • Knowing when to walk away and knowing when to run.
  • Actually being able to run. Albeit slow and not as long as I would like but these are but minor details. The other day I did two laps of the block in nearly the same time as it once took me to one so I am by no means really complaining about my speed, I just know I can go further.
  • A blog that gives me the chance to try things I wouldn't otherwise.
  • Wonderful bloggers and readers that offer me kind words and support.
  • Days of endless rain. The perfect excuse to stay at home snuggled in bed, all day long. Though at no point have I actually spent the day snuggled in bed I just love that the excuse is there if I wanted it.
  • A dryer so that despite days of endless rains we are still able to have clean dry clothes.
  • A covered veranda so that the dogs have somewhere dry to lay that is not inside my house.
  • Wonderful friends, both old and new.

Have you got some thanks that you want to share? 
Join in over at A Parenting Life

Or perhaps some stuff you know?
Join in with The Miss Cinders


  1. Lots of things to be thankful for - especially children who love us despite our shouting at them !!!!
    Well done on your run - that is my goal this year - run like I used to !
    Have the best day !

  2. So much to be thankful for. I am guilty of shouting too.
    Sigh I wish we had days of endless rain - so very dry here.

  3. The world of blogging is brilliant isn't it!!! I love every interaction with a fellow blogger. It has become a world for me to be me, as well as explore new avenues of myself. I'm so glad that after all your time blogging, that you still get this enjoyment. I hope I am just like this.

  4. Go you good thing! Soon enough you'll be running so fast you won't even know yourself.
    Your girls sound just darling and I'm sure they feel the same about you.
    That photo is STUNNING!
